Jason Dismukes, Civil Engineering in CT
Jason Dismukes, Civil Engineering, Site Engineering and Structural Engineering in Connecticut
Jason Dismukes, Civil Engineering in CT

Civil Engineering Services in Connecticut

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Structural Analysis

What is Structural Analysis?

Structural Analysis is defined as the determination of the effects of loads on physical structures and their components. This analysis is used to verify a structure’s fitness for use. All structures that must withstand loads are subject to a structural analysis. These include, but are not limited to, buildings, bridges, dams, retaining walls and decks.

Why is a structural analysis important?

Conducting a structural analysis will determine whether a structure will support the load imposed upon them. In a residential setting, this analysis will determine if it is feasible to build an addition onto your home or garage, remove a wall to open up an area in your home, or construct your dream home as you envision it. A foundation is integral to any structure. It may be necessary to work with geotechnical engineers to determine the bearing capacity of the soil or bedrock of the proposed site. This analysis will determine which type of foundation is appropriate for your project; whether it be slab, strip footings, shallow spread footings or pile foundations, for example. When designing a bridge, a structural analysis is instrumental in determining the construction materials of that bridge. Part of this process includes determining the most economically feasible method of “getting to the other side”. Would a steel structure be more feasible than a timber or concrete sturcture, for instance? Bridge span, terrain, bearing soils and river hydraulics are other components taken into account during this structural analysis. At Jason Dismukes, LLC we know that a comprehensive structural analysis provides the basis for a successful structural design.

Who does a structural analysis?

Structural analyses are best suited for an experienced professional civil and structural engineer. At Jason Dismukes, LLC we will work closely together with your architect or design professional to provide the design necessary to achieve your project goals.

Civil Engineering, Site Engineering and Structural Engineering in CT
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