Jason Dismukes, Civil Engineering in CT
Jason Dismukes, Civil Engineering, Site Engineering and Structural Engineering in Connecticut
Jason Dismukes, Civil Engineering in CT

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Stormwater Management and Water Quality

What are Stormwater Management and Water Quality?

Stormwater management is the managing of the quantity and quality of stormwater that flows off of impermeable surfaces and onto land surfaces. It is the process of engineering structural systems which manage the flow of water and direct it to an area designed to store and/or treat, polluted stormwater. Integrated water management (IWM) or low impact development (LID) can incorporate techniques such as retention ponds, bioswales, rain gardens, underground infiltration chambers and infiltration trenches as land-based solutions to stormwater runoff. These options create run-off areas which utilize natural resources such as soil, vegetation, riprap stone or compost to filter the stormwater before it permeates into the ground water or flows into a watercourse. Stormwater management is intended to clean or treat run-off water and improve the water quality prior to it entering the ground.

Why is stormwater management important?

Controlling stormwater run-off is important to protect groundwater, wetlands, rivers, lakes and the oceans from polluted water. Water that runs-off of impermeable surfaces may contain concentrated levels of pollutants such as grease, nitrogen, bacteria, trash, pesticides and sediment. The implementation of stormwater collection systems helps to filter polluted water and aids in reducing erosion of land and pollution of watercourses. These systems slow down rushing stormwater run-off and filter it. A LID system offers an engineered, specially designed, designated area to manage stormwater and help reduce pollutants released into the environment.

When should a stormwater management system be considered?

Stormwater management systems are utilized in both commercial and residential projects. Federal, State and Local regulations dictate when stormwater management, including LID, will be required on a project. The project area should provide for a place to direct the flow of water and create an area in which the water can be filtered before entering into any watercourse or seeping into the groundwater. Parking lots, driveways, roads, and rooftops are examples of surfaces that prevent water from soaking into the ground and would benefit from LID.

Who could determine if I need a LID and which system would best suit my needs?

Jason Dismukes, LLC has years of experience designing stormwater management systems. We analyze the soil, the slope of the land, and the composition of the impermeable surface to determine the appropriate system for our client’s needs. Let us help with your stormwater management project.

Civil Engineering, Site Engineering and Structural Engineering in CT
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